Saturday, January 30, 2010

Hawaiian Flower Tattoos - Orchid, Plumeria and Hibiscus Tattoo

Hawaiian flower tattoos are exotic and beautiful and not as cliché as rose or lilies. They can be an expression of one's heritage if he or she is originally from the island. Or it can also be a representation of one's unforgettable moments spent in Hawaii; the island being considered as a perfect getaway and vacation spot because of its beaches, fresh air and natural scenery. While some have significant meaning attached to the design, a lot of enthusiasts also choose this theme just for its sheer beauty and artistic appeal.

The most popular Hawaiian flowers are hibiscus, plumeria and orchid. Each flower has its own symbolism and individual characteristics. Hibiscus stands for delicate beauty as the bloom of the flowers are open for just a short period everyday. Hibiscus, in fact, has been called "Flower-on-an-hour". Plumeria is a flower commonly used as tattoo designs along side hibiscus as if to complete the whole Hawaiian flower theme. In the island, it is the flower traditionally used as a lei, it will always say "Aloha". Orchid is also prominent in Hawaiian and used as lei too, just like plumeria. It can stand for a lot of things like love, beauty, wisdom, and thoughtfulness.

Hawaiian flower tattoos can be seen incorporated with other imagery that the island is known for like sea turtles, mountains, surfboard and tiki. They are best executed on the body in full color to make them more visually appealing. They are also usually seen in a tribal style - with thick black lines and little accent of color or detail. They would look good as sleeve tattoos, or on the foot, shoulder blade, back, rib cage and lower back.

Check out Hawaiian flower tattoos for more tattoo designs and ideas. Or if you are looking for that perfect design for your tattoos, check out the Best Tattoo Gallery Online

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